- Manufactured and supplied by Rosehill Polymers, U.K.
- Astro PlaySafe TPV was developed in collaboration between Rosehill Polymers and Dupont Dow and has better colour consistency and UV stability, outlasting any other rubber across the spectrum.
- Astro PlaySafe TPV has superior UV stability compared to any other rubber granule in the market,more appropriate to the Australian climate. It will not go white or bleed like EPDM (Ethylene PropyleneDiene Monomer);
- Offers a much better colour consistency throughout;
- Does not leach black carbon or colour pigments;
- Does not contain heavy metals;
- Requires less polyurethane binder than EPDM;
- Long wearing
- Has high elastic recovery therefore does not embrittle;
- Non toxic / non allergenic;
- Made from a high quality virgin polymer;
- Contains no moisture and is not porous like some EPDMs. This means the polyurethane cannot beabsorbed by the TPV, eliminating any foaming as can sometimes be experienced using EPDM.